10 fresh tips from Security Summit: Your Cybersecurity 2021

CYBERS 01.10.2020

Following this year’s cybersecurity summit we’ve run a small poll with our speakers to squeeze a few more drops of wisdom out of them. We were half-expecting everyone to be saying the same things but to our surprise, there was a huge variety of thoughts. Good thing we opted for open-ended questions then. Here is the consolidated version.

1. Cybersecurity 2020: Describe it in one word or phrase

  • Cloud security.
  • Distributed.
  • Fancy tools without fancy knowledge.
  • Needs to adapt to remote work.
  • Part of the business.
  • Every threat is greater than before.

2. Name the biggest challenge in organizing remote work

  • Lack of security controls.
  • Distributed workforce.
  • Secure connection.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Making sure that all the platforms are safe to use.
  • Complexity has tripled.

3. Which person (position) in the company is most likely to be targeted by a phishing attack?

  • Support.
  • Any, including Cyber Security Professionals.
  • Admin.

4. Please give a cybersecurity tip to a 12-year old

  • Don’t post anything on social media.
  • Use a password manager.
  • Read what you click “Yes” to.
  • Cyber hygiene/Awareness.
  • Secrets have to remain secrets. Guard them well.
  • What you share today could hurt you tomorrow.

5. Please give a cybersecurity tip to a 65-year-old

  • Be cautious about suspicious emails. They might be fraudulent – think several times before opening attachments or links in the email. Pay attention to the sender address.
  • If you do not turn it on you are safe.
  • Read what you click “Yes” to.
  • Cyber hygiene/awareness.
  • Your online identity is the same as the real one.
  • Be cautious, that email or app may be designed to hurt you.

6. Please name 2-3 things, which are essential for the success of a cybersecurity strategy of an organization

  • Management buy-in and up-to-down approach for security. Proper risk management process.
  • Leadership buy-in and support.
  • Practical mindset, general cyber hygiene, cyber disaster testing.
  • Common understanding of the risks, the road map for security, visibility in the network.
  • Management leadership in words and actions. 2. Skilled security personnel who can guide the rest of the colleagues 3. Sufficient budget to cover at least basic security needs.
  • Collaboration between (non-IT) departments.
  • Policies first, technology second.
  • Keep asking questions about how a system can be used, look hard for security holes.

7. What is your organization’s cybersecurity priority for 2021

  • Data leakage prevention.
  • Decreasing the attack surface.
  • Visibility.
  • Make sure people constantly learn and improve.
  • Remote working is here to stay, forget the perimeter as there isn’t one.

8. What will be the biggest cyber threat to companies in 2021?

  • Governments proliferating their tools to criminal organizations.
  • Good old phishing with cyber hygiene coming second.
  • Negligence of cloud security best practices.
  • Internal users not understanding the risks of collaboration.

9. Which is the biggest source of cybersecurity risks?

  • Family.
  • Public Wi-Fi.
  • Facebook/social media.

10. At which point should an organisation seriously consider hiring/renting a full-time equivalent of a cybersecurity specialist?

  • When an organization has a proper cybersecurity strategy.
  • 15 people depending on the business type.
  • Anytime when the size of the organization’s operation and its services exceeds the capabilities of a single sysadmin.
  • When your core business is highly dependent on IT.
  • When the potential loss to your data/reputation/operations exceeds your internal threshold.
  • When data becomes the most valuable part of an organisation.




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