CYBERCAST #54: 2024 Through the Eyes of a Threat Intelligence Analyst: Ransomware, AI, and Cyber Warfare

NEVERHACK Estonia 20. märts 2025

Cybercriminals are evolving. Are we keeping up?

In this must-listen episode of Cybercast, we sit down with Maciej Martinek, a seasoned threat intelligence expert from Recorded Future, to dissect the ever-changing cyber threat landscape. Hosted by Ronnie Jaanhold from NEVERHACK Estonia, this conversation dives deep into the biggest cybersecurity trends of 2024, from the resilience of ransomware gangs to the impact of AI on cybercrime.
Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional, business leader, or just someone keen on staying ahead of digital threats, this episode is packed with real-world insights you can’t afford to miss.

Key Insights & Takeaways

Ransomware is bigger than ever

Despite major takedowns like LockBit, cybercriminals have adapted quickly, launching over 50 new ransomware groups in 2024 alone. What does this mean for businesses? The fight against ransomware isn’t over—it’s evolving.

Cybercrime is a business—profitability matters

With the average ransom payment reaching $9.5M and some attacks demanding as much as $17M, it’s clear that cybercriminals operate with the same financial focus as legitimate businesses. ROI-driven hacking is now a reality.

AI is shaping the future of cyber threats

Forget what you’ve heard about AI generating malware—the real impact is in phishing and disinformation. State-backed actors and cybercriminals are using AI to create highly convincing fake news, deepfakes, and scalable phishing campaigns that are harder to detect.

Cyber threat intelligence is critical for survival

Understanding who is targeting your industry, what tools they use, and their attack patterns is no longer optional—it’s necessary. Maciej shares expert strategies on how organizations can use threat intelligence to stay ahead of attackers.

Regional trends matter—Baltics & Central Europe under attack

While global cybersecurity threats make the headlines, localized attacks in Estonia, Poland, and the Baltics are becoming more frequent. Specific ransomware gangs are targeting finance, manufacturing, and even government agencies. Are we prepared?
The cyber battlefield is shifting, and those who stay informed stay protected. Don’t miss this eye-opening discussion with Maciej Martinek on the latest threats, trends, and defensive strategies.





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